This travel blog was born during the uncertain times of the COVID-19 epidemic. Tourism was severely affected and left bleeding. People stayed home, and no contrails flashed across the blue skies for months.
There are a million popular travel websites. The World Is An Oyster strives to be more of a food for soul version than a typical travel blog. Instead of “things to do” and “where to eat”, I will tell you short stories that happened in a particular location or were inspired by it. Some accounts are real; some are pure fiction. You decide what you want each to be!
I found that reminiscing about old times, breath-taking destinations and extraordinary people is therapeutic in any circumstance, more so in lockdown. No restriction applies to the imagination! Let it be free and visit all the places you read about, even if it is just a virtual journey!
Perhaps seeing places through somebody else’s eyes will help heal a wound that scarred the soul. Reading can be cathartic, after all. Maybe my stories will motivate you to visit some of the spots that inspired them once life goes back to some degree of normalcy. Thus, tourism will recover and thrive again.
Each post contains recommendations for music, a TV programme and a lecture. It is a personal choice, something I enjoy and would put me in a better frame of mind. It might not be everybody’s cup of tea, but you can always give it a try.
Because love goes through the stomach, I will add a few recipes I’ve tried during my travels. If anything, they could at least be helpful for a dinner idea or something sweet when you feel like munching while reading!
In time, life will go back to normal. We will go back to see the destinations we like again or visit others we have never seen before. Tourism will flourish once more as we will all contribute to it.
Life is more than sweating blood. Travel! Explore! If not physically, at least through reading. When you can, go to places you always wanted to see, find your story or let it find you! Marvel at the beauty of our world and fall in love with it over and over again! Find your favourite place on the planet, convert it into a glowing memory and store it in your heart forever!
My favourite place in the world is still there waiting for me. For the time being, I am playing vivid memories in my head until I will sit again in a magnificent garden tracing the trails of a mischievous baboon. Enjoy reading; it will all make sense in the end!
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