Christmas: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!


Santa's sack
Images: Pixabay

The First Memories of Christmas

When I was eleven, some kids in my class told me that Santa did not exist – I replied that it was the naughtiest thing to say. He very much exists and brings me presents every year!

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The kids started laughing, so I turned my back and left them basking in their small, magicless and emotionless bubble. I instantly knew they would be on Santa’s naughty list!

When we returned to school after the winter holidays, the same kids told me that their parents gave them Christmas presents. Well, at least somebody loved them enough to compensate for the lack of magic in their lives, I thought!

Adult Perception of Christmas And a Little Legend

Besides excessive capitalist consumerism and gluttony, there must be an original reason why almost every planet celebrates Christmas. 

This is no time for historical, religious or political debate; therefore, I won’t even go there.

There is this little ancient Romanian legend regarding Christmas that I love and would like to share with you instead.

The story goes that on December 24th, two thousand years ago, a young woman named Mary was about to give birth. She asked Santa Eve to offer her lodging for the night. But Santa Eve was poor and had nothing to offer Mary, so he sent her to his younger and richer brother, Santa Claus.

Mrs Claus received Mary, but because she knew Mr Claus was a grumpy and nasty old man, she took Mary to the stable to give birth. 

Helped by Mrs. Claus, Mary gave birth to a little boy she named Jesus. The animals in the stable who witnessed the birth compassionately provided heat through their breathing to the little boy shivering in the manger.

Somehow, Santa Claus heard about this and was angry that his wife allowed a stranger on his property to help deliver her baby. He was so upset that he cut off Mrs. Claus’ hands. 

Mary immediately took pity on the poor woman and healed her hands right back as if nothing had happened.

On witnessing this miracle, Santa Claus repented for his wickedness and became the nicest man in history.

That same night, rich Santa decided to share all his fortune with the poor children. Ever since, on Christmas Eve at midnight, he celebrates the birth of Jesus by riding his sleigh full of gifts to each house where there is a nice child and leaves at least one gift under the Christmas tree.

Christmas Today

To all the children in the world, I want to say this: the fact that history repeats itself, and before Jesus, there were Mithras or Horus, or Krishna is not of massive importance right now. As you grow up and your knowledge horizon expands, you will read and understand more about human history and our actions on this planet.

Mind you, you won’t hear a thing about any of this in school, but there is a reason why there are books!

All you need is an interest to know more than what an educational system or another is imposing on you! Remember that what you read is what you are!

girl reading under Christmas tree

What matters now is that, hopefully, you’ve been nice, and Santa has read his list (and checked it twice!)

And know one thing: magic beats technology! No matter how many cameras you hide in the house to catch him sneaking in through the chimney and how many Santa traps you set, he has his magic ways.

As you wake up on Christmas morning, you will find your presents underneath the tree and will know that you are loved! Even if there might be nothing recorded on camera – blackouts often happen during the night!

Dear kids, it would be fantastic if none of you would ever lose innocence!

Life will happen, and it will try to take it away from you, but the illusion of magic and the joy of giving will keep it alive in your souls forever! Hopefully!

If you need to know, I’m now in my fourth decade in this life, and Santa keeps bringing me gifts every Christmas. My child asked me if he ever missed. Nope! Never!

I did not receive quite what I asked for two years ago, though, but that was not Santa’s fault. Bring Me The Horizon, my favourite rock band in the world, was a bit slow in releasing Amo, and Santa found himself in the difficult position of not fulfilling a wish out of billions. 

I kindly asked BMTH to plan a new music release before the end of the year if possible, please! After all, the elves are only trained to make wooden toys.

In all honesty, even if they would record music, carols would probably sound a bit weird in alternative metal, not to mention that Oli Sykes shouting Silent Night would be something else, indeed! And he probably won’t even know how to go to Santa’s recording studio. I mean workshop! Who knows the address?!

Anyway, last year, around this time, Post Human was out, packed and tied with a red bow, in Santa’s sack! Do you see how wishes work?

Now, what would I like Santa to bring me this year? Hmm…

If the end of the pandemic can fit in your sack, then Santa, please shove it in there and spread it over the entire humankind from your flying sleigh! I wish I could say we learned the lesson, but I know better.

Still, I remain optimistic because I know the power of wishes!

Have the Merriest Christmas ever!



The World Is An Oyster

Working as a journalist during university was pretty exciting. But landing a cruise ship job barely a year in my new graduate career was something else! Overnight, I moved from an already exhilarating job to an even better one. One that would allow me to wake up every morning in a different country. What more can a twenty-something wish for? The fact that I was fluent in a few languages helped. It made it easier to obtain the position I was seeking at the Shore Excursions department. Apart from dispatching tours in the morning and selling tickets in the evening, I would spend nearly every day on different trips. I did this a few years, spending half a year onboard and about two months at home. I enjoyed it immensely. I met fascinating people from all over the Globe and collected memories to last me a lifetime. Not to mention that I received a salary for seeing all those magnificent places the Earth has to offer! In an ideal world, everybody should live as they want. For me, that would translate into travel, then travel some more and keep travelling!

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53 Responses

  1. Adriane says:

    Such a fun time of year. Thank you for sharing your perspective.

  2. I’m struggling a little this season, but hopefully I’ll find some cheer on Saturday.

  3. Hanna Long says:

    Very good post! Love Christmas and I am going to make the best out of it this year! Merry Christmas!

  4. Daniel Ng says:

    When we own the story, magic will happen and we can bravely write about our new ending. Merry Christmas to you Mihaela!

  5. It’s so important to keep the magic of Christmas alive. It can be hard sometimes but hopefully others excitement is contagious to those struggling.

  6. great post! I so wish the magic of Christmas will last all year-round. Thank you for sharing and Merry Christmas!

  7. Marita says:

    Love this now that I have children – I can relieve the magic of Christmas. It is the best time of the year. Merry Christmas.

  8. Riyah Speaks says:

    This is such a lovely pose and it really highlights the beauty in Christmas. My parents believe everyone should have Christmas magic and so they still write from Santa on our presents

  9. The magic of Christmas will forever live in our hearts no matter what age we are.
    Great post
    Merry Christmas!

  10. Joanna says:

    We are trying to keep the magic going forward as long as possible. Our youngest is 10 and still believing! Let’s hope this year won’t be the last.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    • It will transform and continue, as in my case! I’m 47 and still excitedly waiting for Santa to fly in his sley over the horizon! Or is it the International Space Centre? It doesn’t matter. I see what I choose to see!

  11. Jeannie says:

    Love this post, reminds me so much of my childhood and how we spend Christmas together.

  12. Shilpa says:

    Loved this post. Merry Christmas!

  13. Christmas is my favourite holiday of the year. I love the magic of it all. The lights, the decorations, santa leaving presents under the tree. I try to spread the magic with those around me, spreading joy as I go 🙂

  14. nancy says:

    I agree – christmas is the best time of year when everyone can get together!

  15. Lee says:

    You have revived my love of Christmas again as the most wonderful time of the year! This is no mean feat as I was all ‘bah humbug’ for many years now and just seeing this time of the year as so much extra work. thanks for instilling the magic of Christmas and helping me understand.

  16. I love reading stories like yours that help keep the magic of Christmas alive. It can be such a beautiful time of year for us to treasure. Merry Christmas to you!

  17. Great story! I can’t imagine a world without “magic”, so thank you for reminding us of it’s importance in our lives.

  18. hari says:

    I completely agree that Christmas is a wonderful day of the year.
    I really love these words of wisdom.
    Dear kids, it would be fantastic if none of you would ever lose innocence! Life will happen and try to take it away from you, but the illusion of magic and the joy of giving will keep it alive in your souls! Hopefully!
    thank you very much for sharing!

  19. Elaine says:

    Loved your post. Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year and even this year, people are making the best of it. Thanks for sharing.

  20. Richie says:

    Quite right! There were similar kids at my school telling me that Santa didn’t exist. Even now, having left school decades ago, I still have people trying to tell me the same thing! When will they learn?! Keep believing and have a Merry Christmas 🙂

  21. Great story! Captures the magic of Christmas that we all chase.

  22. Ann says:

    Thank you for sharing. Christmas is indeed very special and magic, and we have to remind ourselves of that during these times. Thank you for doing that 🙂

  23. Katie says:

    Absolutely love this. It’s so fun to hear different stories from around the world. The main thing is to determine what Christmas means to you and hold onto that.

    Very well written, Merry Christmas!

  24. Izzy says:

    I lovely post! Christmas is definitely the most wonderful time of the year for our family too! Thanks for sharing and merry christmas!

  25. Melanie says:

    Christmas is definitely my favorite time of year. Whether our children believe in Santa or not the joy on their face Christmas morning is priceless.

  26. Katherine says:

    Great post! Thanks for sharing! This is the time of year for such wonderful sharing.

  27. Daniella says:

    I love your belief in the magic of the season. 🙂
    Let’s hope BMTH gives you the gift of more good music this year!
    Merry Christmas!

  28. Santa Clause is believed to be a character from Turkey and there is striking evidence between the amanita mushroom, Santa Clause, and the catholic eucharist (communion).

    Nathalia | NathaliaFit – Fitness & Wellness Blog

    • Yep, the real St Nicholas was of Greek descent and spent most of his life helping the poor in Myra, Turkey today. In time, through legends and traditions, he migrated to the North Pole:)) We’re all migrants in this world today, funny how some believe they are the rightful owners of any patch of land… But this is a different story. Let’s just enjoy the spirit of Christmas!

  29. Daphne says:

    Magical! Great post sharing the joy of the season.

  30. Christmas has always been one of my favorites times of the year. Christmas magic is a beautiful thing, and as we get older we have to try harder to old onto it. Your post is a continual reminder. 🎄

  31. Jeannie says:

    beautiful story! I grew up thinking there is real santa and can’t catch him at midnight because Im a sleepy kid 🙂

  32. Brian says:

    Nice story. Kids saying there is no Santa, not good for their present gathering. Feeling good about Christmas and sharing.

  33. Well written! I wish that the magic of Christmas will live forever, I know it will in my heart.

  34. Shala says:

    So glad that you are so happy at Christmas time! Since I became an adult (and stop getting gifts, ha!), I haven’t been into Christmas as much, but since I’ve started reading blogs more, I’ve been feeling the “magic” and want to start my own traditions!

  35. Kalu Lor says:

    Love the post! Merry Christmas.

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